
Why not Preorder Battle Field 4 gold from Igxe

Game, the Shanghai into a sea of ​​fire . igxe  couponUser speculation background , calling the game mission is to help Americans save China " elected " president.
User Reviews:

Feeling the background story igxe  coupon code of this game is almost Russo-Japanese War , the Civil War and the Soviet Union hybrid.
US-Russian confrontation of the world , it may have been at war , igxe  coupon and in China , the United States is currently fostering liberal bourgeoisie in power, ready to capitalism in China to establish a democratic government , the president is elected by universal suffrage , and this time the Russian army supported leftist coup , the assassination of the president , the establishment of military government , and then blame the United States for granted , and the Russian secret alliance and is ready to declare war on the United States . Americans naturally : 1, save China " elected " president ; 2 , told the Chinese people "truth" ; 3 , stop the war broke out.
In short, one side is leading the way on both sides of the party , while the ultra-leftist , not a good thing . The most appalling is that both sides have conflicting civil war behind closed doors it wants to , have to hold their thighs , as if no one backed not solve a problem like.

Plot nonsense .

